Right-hand Bias


This is a post about the "Right-hand bias" that Bongo brought up in another post, here and here. I said I would post some of my paintings where this has been a struggle for me (though, sometimes it seemed to be the exact opposite). Sometimes, I tried to correct it a bit, and sometimes, I just left it be. Here are the ones I can think of off-hand:










I have a theory about the ones with the "left-hand" bias). Maybe it's because I started out life as a lefty? I switched when I began to learn to write the alphabet. I had an injury to my left hand right around this time and had to change my prominent hand. But who knows?
Thank you, sno and Wayne. I appreciate the notes. I see it, but I don't think it takes away from the overall vibe. I'll try to be more mindful of it now, however. ;)
This is a favorite painting from back in the day. "Richie Rich Turns Six". Richie Rich was a rich spoiled kid in the comics and the idea was that he got a platoon of clowns for his sixth birthday. It's acrylic and was one of the first paintings I did where I noticed the right-hand bias - so bad makes me tear up.

Love this painting Bongo, but I do not notice any right-hand bias. Sorry. Maybe a little, but not really. :unsure: 🤪
Thanks Ayin. That first painting is one of my all-time favorites of yours.

Possible causes of hand bias. And I think these are major contributing factors.

A mark is made with some bias - especially if it's early on in the painting - then other marks are keyed off of that - so the rest of the painting shows bias.

Strokes (especially fat ones) sometimes vary in thickness, especially when the end becomes more fat or leaner. You may want that or it may not matter., But even though the centerline of the stroke is relatively level, it can give the appearance of bias, and if other marks are keyed off the fat/skinny end they end up biased.

Sometimes my marks are NOT quite straight (especially verticals) - and I'm okay with that because it's hand-painted, that is part of the "charm" or authenticity. That is the case often in Ayins paintings.

So it's NOT a technical point you needn't scan a painting for bias-errors and correct them. It's only an issue when it's an issue. Only when it detracts from the painting as a whole.
It doesn't bother me if I even happen to "register" it in my brain. Because of what Bongo just said up there: it's hand-painted, and we're neither machines, or prone to reaching for rulers to make a simple line, or mark. That is our unique authenticity.
It’s a weird left lean. Reminds me of houses. Nothing is straight. Nothing. it’s supposed to be but it isn’t. I’ve been in new houses that lean like old ones.
Bongo, you make excellent points. Its authenticity is the most important among all these points, I think. It's as simple as that. And yes, if it's distracting, then fix it. ;)
I'm not criticizing anyone else's work.
I happen to enjoy the "painterly" renditions that are not stick straight. My mind doesn't seem to register them as "off", rather as deliberately expressive.
But in my own work, when I see something too obviously off, I find that I am annoyed with myself. What makes it truly "off" and not fanciful? Probably knowing my own intent, and I do not know the intent of others. Can't figure it out any other way.
Doing plein air today - forgot to do a plum or graph lines - but I confirmed something I knew - I can determine level and perpendicular by eye - dead on! I mean perfect. So why do I sometimes have trouble when I paint?--- I think it's at least partly because I'm looking at my hand as I make the mark. Focusing on the hand/brush vs taking in the panel as a whole. Also, outside when the panel isn't lit even it can definitely throw you off.

So each horizontal line of note that I make I should stop, step back, and check. I did that today and caught a few would-be-biased lines. If I can just remember to do that, it shouldn't be an issue going forward. 🫰