Redondo Beach Road (but not the beach)


Well-known member
A couple of paintings from our Sunday outing in Half Moon Bay.
4x10" ink and watercolor on Arches of the coastline.
12x9" acrylic gouache on canvas paper of the rock formations.
Redondo Beach coastline.jpg

Redondo Beach gouache.jpg
Very daring point of view on that second one- well done. But I really like the superb sense of calm f the first one.

Either way- nice work.
Thank you all.
JStarr, not sure what daring you mean? I was careful not to get too close to the chasm.
Painting from a downward point of view is often challenging. Easy to be unable to capture depth of view.
These are stunning and absolutely beautiful. I love the colors and how well they work with each other
Thank you all very much. Didn't think all the much of them when I painted them, but glad they please.