Plastic Flowers Pushed Onward


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 18/24
Still working with my plastic flowers

distance view........

Same old flowers I bought a year or more ago. I just rearrange and paint them. Great models for inspiration.
I detect zero plastic! You make them look alive and these are so nice! I like the background too.
I think it's amazing how much you create from that original purchase. Just tweaking an arrangement seems to set off another idea.

I love seeing the table through the bottle. I like the entire geometric design of the bottom of this painting, jutting into the background. Cool stuff!
Gorg!!! I sure wish I had your flowers in my house.

These don't look plastic. At least they stand still over a long period of time, but I think you don't need them to since you are a speed demon when it comes to painting. ;) ♥️