Past 5 Days .. I Think


old man
Girl 2.jpg

Girl 3.jpg

Lady1 Study.jpg

Lady 4.jpg

No Entry.jpg

The Fence.jpg

Heavy Snow.jpg

That should do it. All are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted over the past 5 days.
The Portraits are just stuff I took from Public Domain and I did my version of what I thought was happening in chance that I might learn form them. I can't remember who did the originals and I doubt they look much like them but one was Cezanne. What I did learn is that I much prefer working landscapes and florals. I did introduce Cad Red Light and Azo Yellow to my paints and I love both of them. They make some new interesting mixes.

The bottom three are landscapes from photos I took this winter. I find I am putting in more than I want so I will end this series and move on with the next. Hopefully I can get a lot less and still keep the landscape. When I am experimenting, I prefer to work alone so I will post again when I am well into or ending the next seriese of studies. I get too influenced by comments so when I paint I like to paint for me and only me. For those who follow and post, thank you very much for your time and understanding. Hope you enjoy these studies. Actually, everything I do is basically a study as I find it hard to make a painting so small.

Hello Donna ... hope you are doing well. Hugs. ❤️
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Well my friend, I'm just a bit gobsmacked - in a good way. I don't expect portraits from you, so these caught me off guard. I'll respect what you're saying here and not go off other than to say I find each one beautiful, rich, stylized and wonderful. I hope you enjoyed doing them, and learned something useful from the exercises.

You also have the color of snow down to a tee. ;)

I look forward to whatever you decide to paint for yourself next. :)
These are all great, Wayne. The portraits have a style and charm of their own. ❤️❤️Your Azo and Cad Red will look great in florals. ;):giggle:
Fun collection. I like the W for Wayne in the next to last one. I always like your textures and unusual for me color mixtures/choices.
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Thank you Terri. They were funspn and I’m sure I pulled a few tricks from doing them.

Thanks Sno. I’m sure you are correct there.

Thanks Jo. I had not seen it that way but yes those fallen trees did do that. 😀

Thanks EGH and Bongo
I agree with Sno. You do have your own style. You look great. And great making sure you do one every day. That’s the way to do it.
I’m not surprised that you’ve been busy, Wayne, and what a nice collection this is! I recognized Madam Cezanne right away and like what you did with all of them, the way unblended colors can lay next to each other to create skin tones. The landscapes are beautiful too - light filtering through trees and snowy pines make winter bearable. I now have two screws and a staple in my wrist … hopefully they’ll allow me to paint again someday.
Thank you Donna. I assume all went well. My dad had a few screws in his arm and he got back to work. He was a plumber so some heavy work. How long before you get move movement in the wrist?
I’m still in the wrap from surgery and will get a cast put on tomorrow. Maybe I have that for four weeks - I’m not sure. All of this is to fuse my thumb to the bones in my wrist. The doctor knows I want to paint again so we’re hoping for good mobility or at least a lot less pain.
I got them crossed for you. I’m sure things will work because a good attitude is key and you have that. I doubt I have a lot of influence but I’ll say a few for you as well. Keep smiling. Looking forward to your next first piece.
Wow, Wayne, these are awesome. I love them. Funny you did these because I have been fittin' to do a couple of portraits myself. Nothing as cool as these, of course, but little square ones. Your colors are so cool. They are going to inspire me for sure. ♥️
Wow! Thank you Ayin. I really like the color in the first. It’s like a blanket of warmth. I need to use it again.
Hey Wayne, I really like all of them but somehow this first landscape got stuck with me... very atmospheric, you can almost feel the air. Portraits are great as well, like that style. Great work!
I’m still in the wrap from surgery and will get a cast put on tomorrow. Maybe I have that for four weeks - I’m not sure. All of this is to fuse my thumb to the bones in my wrist. The doctor knows I want to paint again so we’re hoping for good mobility or at least a lot less pain.
Hope it all goes well for you…no paint and movement!!