old man
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That should do it. All are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted over the past 5 days.
The Portraits are just stuff I took from Public Domain and I did my version of what I thought was happening in chance that I might learn form them. I can't remember who did the originals and I doubt they look much like them but one was Cezanne. What I did learn is that I much prefer working landscapes and florals. I did introduce Cad Red Light and Azo Yellow to my paints and I love both of them. They make some new interesting mixes.
The bottom three are landscapes from photos I took this winter. I find I am putting in more than I want so I will end this series and move on with the next. Hopefully I can get a lot less and still keep the landscape. When I am experimenting, I prefer to work alone so I will post again when I am well into or ending the next seriese of studies. I get too influenced by comments so when I paint I like to paint for me and only me. For those who follow and post, thank you very much for your time and understanding. Hope you enjoy these studies. Actually, everything I do is basically a study as I find it hard to make a painting so small.
Hello Donna ... hope you are doing well. Hugs.

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