Park scene X-post


Contributing Member
Hi. I cross posted this elsewhere and wasn’t sure if it could be put here. But i think so looking at other work on this forum. If not pls delete. This is my first ink and wash I have done a few years ago. I tried this one night i could not sleep and kept going till it was done. For the sky i used thicker watercolour. Completely different style for me and I enjoyed it.
Love it paintboss. I never know for sure where to post these either but Ayin said it was fine here so this is where I post the ink & wash too.
Wow great job Christine! No way I could draw like this. I'm always impressed by artists that can.
Gee thanks everyone. You make me feel good! Well, you never know what you can do until you try. If people haven’t tried ink/pen and wash it is quite satisfying. If you are more comfortable drawing rather than strictly painting a watercolour scene, give it a try. Draw with pencil the main part. Than trace with permanent pen(ink). I draw the leaves in ink only, without drawing with pencil first. I add little ink details- suggesting grass etc. or suggest roundness of pillars.Then I go in with simple washes of watercolour until satisfied. I went a bit deeper paint for the sky. More paint than water so not a complete wash.
Wow great job Christine! No way I could draw like this. I'm always impressed by artists that can.
Thank you for John. The truth is practise. Practice seeing, practice doing. Make all kinds of mistakes, Figuring out how to solve them, learning new mediums and how they work. Messing up a lot of pieces. Seeing magic happen. Then the thing I have been doing the last few years is pushing myself. So the piece looks really good but I’m curious about if I could do more, or what would happen if…I know I could wreck it if I push it…But i can’t grow without trying new things. So I now go for it. And it has really helped me make a leap. People try watercolour and they do the lightest washes and, wonder why it doesn’t look like more advanced work. That’s only the beginning of watercolor! I tell beginners to keep going. That’s great, but push it now. Go for contrast! Don’t be afraid of color. Put in more definition -keep going. I truly believe that’s the difference in levels of ability. I’ve got a long way to go because I have a lot of art I look at and go, wow. I wish I was more like them. And interestingly, I’ve really come around to more abstract expressionism. When it’s done well it’s quite sublime. It takes a lot more thought than people realize. And I now love landscapes. You know the kind where it’s just slightly expressionist? It’s just beautiful. Sigh I can only dream of painting like that, but I’m gonna keep working at it.
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