Pachaiyappa's College Campus, Hostel Area


Well-known member
This is an approximately 8.5" x 7" pen and ink sketch with a Classmate Octane black ink gel pen, made at Urban Sketchers Chennai's 50th sketchmeet this morning.

Actually this is the second sketch that I started. I had to abort the first one within a few minutes of starting it at a different location in the campus because of the swarm of mosquitoes and other tiny insects. I fled to this location, liberally applying mosquito repellent, and found life bearable once more.

Pachayappa's College, Hostel Area.jpg
The subtle shading on the side of the building really helps to define its form. I never got the hang of doing that with ink so it’s great to see how it’s supposed to look. Mosquitoes and plein air are not a good combination!
The subtle shading on the side of the building really helps to define its form. I never got the hang of doing that with ink so it’s great to see how it’s supposed to look. Mosquitoes and plein air are not a good combination!
Thank you for noticing and commenting on this aspect. I have indicated the corner nearest to the viewer, and the corner of the chimney like structure with a line and then done my hatching on the shaded side. You could do away with that line if you are confident of aligning your hatch lines correctly.
The dark areas really add to the form and effect. Love the texture on the roof.