Thank you Arty. I do appreciate your remarks. They are like helium
M voice is now compromised by helium.
The last work came from this below, as did another, "Mandala" posted elsewhere. In fact, all these simple drawings from 2013 on were developed from the grid (Thanks A. Martin!) and culminated in the ridiculously titled, Chinka-chink-chink, an approximation of the sound (glass rods) heard when viewing the drawing.
Now that I look at the old pictures of the drawings, it was not "chink-a-chink," but "chi-kunk." My bad. I recalled it wrong.
I am trying to find a better picture of the original drawing from my Journal Project, which is a lot of explaining to type here. Here is the bad picture of it though, with "chi-kunk" written over the staple markings:
From this drawing, I remade the drawing bigger in oil pastels on a wall back in 2005 or so (more low-fi images):
This was the sound I made most of the day working in the workshop, as we had to staple the patterns together before cutting them 2-ply ("2-self," as it is called). Then the staples are taken out, which drives one insane. If that stapling sound doesn't drive you crazy, taking the staples out will, or working for my dad would.
The drawing translated from the pattern to the wall admirably. The gallery space must have been congenial.
Stapling, cutting, and then destapling, sounds hellish and nuts. Surely there would have been an easier, quicker method for temporarily holding patterns in place. You must have become adept at cutting.