Oil Bar Saguaro Cactus


Contributing Member
Oil Bar Saguaro Cactus plein air, 9x12" WN Bars on Canson Oil paper. Nov 2015 at Saguaro National Park East, Tucson, AZ, at the start of one of the trailheads. Looking towards the Rincon Mountains.
That day I made great use of a home-made view-finder. I had to stop because of the clouds of gnats, even though I was using a mosquito head net. C&C welcome.
2015-11-15 10.38.26.jpg
ntl, 🌵 this is a beautiful ❤️ painting. Love this cactus and the way you painted it. I also like the ground behind the cactus. I find everything perfect in this piece. The sky is also very well painted. Well done!
Nice ntl. Wonderful deep darks against lighter colors. Lots of color variation in the greens. Well done!
really impressive work. you gave the tree good impression with the contrast.
This is crazy impressive! Wow! It's just so good, I am really getting my socks knocked off by you today! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ :cool:
This is beautiful work, ntl!!! The cactus as well as your sky have gorgeous depth. Love it!
Really good color mixing. The shapes and form of the Saguaros feel right, captured with direct observation and paint application. 👍🏼👍🏼
moscatel, thanks. It was a challenge esp due to the gnats.
ams, thanks. I did enjoy it. The yellows of course, represent the thorns.
Arty, thanks so much!
Terri, thank you.
Thanks, Mr. B!
Nufocus, Thanks to you too.
Perry, Thanks! (I agree, they are for me, and I so enjoy being out and painting.)
Beautiful result. :D Gnats, gosh, I can imagine it's annoying, but hey you managed to get something out of it. Nice cactus!