Oct 16/21 ... Early Shift


old man

11 x 14 Alla Prima Oil on paper .. decided to do another version of the one I did a few days ago .
Behind The Tree
Far superior than the first in my opinion. This catches the light in so many wonderous ways. This gives me an uplifting feeling. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
thank you Arty and yes in all regards. That is why a painting should have sufficient studies to fully grasp what the painting deserves. I used brushes and knives on this piece as that allows more subtle changes in light.
I have not made a painting in years but I will this winter for sure. I have a 30 x 40 inch piece hanging in our bedroom which is lacking in all ends and I need to replace it but I am waiting on a scene that rocks my socks. I love winter scenes so I have already decided it will be snow. The panel is cut and waiting. :cautious:
I too make a lot of "studies" before making a full painting, which consist of a mixture of raw sketches and computer renderings, sometimes photos, and once and a while, other smaller paintings I don't always show people. I have a ton of books with scraps in them because I save all the preliminary stuff (for what reason, I do not know!).
Your paintings show it .. the decisions are made before hand. A lot of my decisions are made as I paint but I do like to play in Adobe. Sometimes while I play my guitar I'll study a study and arrive at different things to try. I don't sell so I have no need to take my time and create a painting. I am comfortable in just doing studies. I show them because that's all I have and I judge them more harshly knowing they are out there. That judgement helps me make better studies as I age. I destroy most of them but do hang on to a few in case I one day decide to create some larger pieces based on them. Thanks again for the comments.
Wow. I really like the exchanges between actual artists like you two. I learn so much. As a photographer one might scout a location, think about time of day/year, and the lenses, filters, etc needed for the shoot. It actually sounds similar to what you are doing!

As a grubber beginner in painting with oil pastels, I've maybe jumped on an idea or inspiration from a photo - and, yeah, that's been pretty much it for a plan. 😆

Wayne, this version is beautiful, too! It strikes me as lighter and somehow cleaner than the other. They each have your master knife skills, so I couldn't pick a favorite. :)
Wayne: Like the freshness and spontanity, and those warm colours in the bg. Very nice.
I would go even more dark in on the tree at the places in contrat with light background.
Wow Terry. My hat was too small before but now it just won't sit. Thank you.

Thanks Arnie. Now go get the other boys over here.

Thank you Lazarus. Notred. I never revise as I toss a lot but I get the message and hopefully carry it forward.

Thanks Ntl
Wow Terry. My hat was too small before but now it just won't sit. Thank you.

Thanks Arnie. Now go get the other boys over here.

Thank you Lazarus. Notred. I never revise as I toss a lot but I get the message and hopefully carry it forward.

Thanks Ntl
Its gone very, very quiet over there. I think most folk have decided to move on - Creative Spark being a popular choice. Now I've made a few posts I'm finding it very like the old WetCanvas - being able to see what you've commented on, the last person to comment on a thread, and the message and view counts.
Thank you Wayne. I appreciate the dialogue! I have such a hard time destroying anything I do, even preliminary sketches. I don't know why. Hannah makes me hold onto most everything, but I would probably do it now without her coaxing. I don't like to waste any of my efforts I guess, and I have used these things for inspiration for future pieces before. So you never know.
Hey Wayne...first let me say great to see yoru work again. I recognize that wnderful knife work anywhere. Nice rich backlighting to enhance the contrasts and give this such a nice feeling of warmth. Great subtle touches of colour too. Very nice!
Thank you Wayne. I appreciate the dialogue! I have such a hard time destroying anything I do, even preliminary sketches. I don't know why. Hannah makes me hold onto most everything, but I would probably do it now without her coaxing. I don't like to waste any of my efforts I guess, and I have used these things for inspiration for future pieces before. So you never know.
I also have kept all my old paintings but last year in lock down i asked myself why i was keeping them, particularly as I had a photo of each. Any way I decided to 'recycle' one and i found the process of gesso -ing over some thing once prized quite liberating and benificial to the new different painting. A sense of acknowldgeing I'd moved on. Subsequently have recycled about 1/2 dozen now.
I have done the same thing! It is liberating. I just don't know what to do with all the preliminary sketches.
I really like this one, Wayne. There's something about the simple beauty of a tree against a warm sky. I find it kind of hopeful.