Noah's Chairs



Here's a couple of WIPs:



Lots to see. I love the mop. It makes me wonder which makes my eyes roam. Sort of like leave your audience wanting more.
Love this Arty. If that had been a broom, I would have thought some gal flew it in there. :giggle: ;)
Thanks everyone. It comes from an outdoor installation done by artist Noah Purifoy here in Joshua Tree. My own interpretation of course. He dies in a fire in the early 2000s, but most of his work still sits out in the desert.
All the intricate shapes and curves make for an interesting painting. I also like how you have used pink in the bottom right which really works well.
I like the colors on this a lot + how the installation fits into the landscape and mirrors some of the branch shapes.
Very interesting and pleasant.I sort of sense a deeper meaning beneath the lighthearted presentation; but then I see that a lot in other stuff where it probably doesn't exist.
Thank you xie and Trier. Trier, I like that you see things that probably don't exist. I actually want that to happen in my art! Success! ;)