I had not read about this news,
however you reminded me of a movie, even if it probably has nothing to do with the post, however remember Goya's maja desnuda?
here in the movie they want for a scam
to have the Italian copyist Antonio Scorcelletti paint a variant of the famous Maja Desnuda, adding to the latter a nightgown.
he did not know that it is sold as a goya original, he did not understand and when he hears on tv how much his painting sold it, then he does the maya in a bikini, the maya in a bathing suit, in a bathrobe etc etc , many paintings, versions, in a continuous cycle and the gag come out), then everything comes out, but only after various versions, various scoops, then they became more and more strange,
movies I once saw as a kid,
film that is stupid to say it but it conditioned me on a thought, together with an episode from the times in which I saw the film, it struck me for how it was always belittled and insulted what he did even if no one distinguished the original from the copy except he was told.
now it makes me think about what you were saying, actually about the explosions they felt,
and then that's funny, his muse,
had a muse actually while painting,