New to the site


Supporting Member
Hi everyone - I'm new here. I was pointed this way from WC (it appears many of us are!) and am very glad to see a few familiar names already. I was terriks at WC, but decided to modify that to my actual first name only, which I can do in this more intimate group. Yay!

I work in oil pastels. That's a tough one to learn since there's so little info out there. The WC community was fantastic at helping me as I fumbled along. I'm still not very good, and have no formal art training, but I love the medium and trying new things.

I am first and foremost a photographer, working only with film, and working with what are called alternative photographic techniques - toning, hand coloring prints, making bromoil and lith prints - lots of things. However, it's been on pause for a few years due to a back injury, so turning to oil pastels has been such a gift as an artistic outlet I can at least TRY to do. :giggle: I'm an admin at a photo forum so that also keeps me busy.

I appreciate being here.
Terri, Welcome! So glad to see you here. My OPs are on a table waiting to be used, then I got involved with a few other projects. I haven't been in a hurry to use them as, as you know, I hadn't mastered them myself.
Well hello, old friend! 👋 How great to see you here.

I understand about getting pulled to other projects. Happens to us all. I love your OP work and hope you get to a point where you can pick them back up and have a play. :)

I'm not working on anything atm. I'm far from feeling a master myself! In the meantime, will likely post some completed stuff here. I'll have to check out which forum would be best for OP's.
Hi Terri, nice to make your acquaintance. Have you tried the NeoColor Caran D'Ache watersoluble wax crayons? They behave as oil pastels, less messy, and more colorful than traditional pastels.
Hi KreativeK! I think I've seen you over at WC in the past. So nice to see you here!

I actually do have a set that I bought many moons ago. I think they were called Neocolor II at the time? I was looking for another medium to hand color photographs with, and barely touched them.

I haven't tried them for actual painting. I've never really figured them out. How have you used them? Do you dip them into water first and draw, or do you make a sketch with them, and then go over it with something like a water pen?
Hi Terri — you’re a rare bird working with film these days. I’ve seen nothing but digital here for more than 20 years! Hopefully you can get back to it soon.
Hi Terri — you’re a rare bird working with film these days. I’ve seen nothing but digital here for more than 20 years! Hopefully you can get back to it soon.
Thank you. :) I'm still shooting film, and developing it at home - you don't need a darkroom to develop the film, but you do to make prints, and I'm not set up atm. Can't WAIT to get back to that. So much fun.

Yeah, digital for me means whatever I can get from my cell phone. It works when I want a quick snap, and that's fine. Digital came out while I was still working - I had a desk job, and was on a computer all day So, working at a computer to process images seemed counterproductive as a creative outlet. Way too much time at a desk for me!
Lamar!! Thrilled to see you here. ❤️

@16ga : Is the "ga" for Georgia, by any chance?
Nope. Its the abbreviation for Gauge. Its a nickname I picked up in my younger days based on the size of shotgun I usually hunted with. The 16ga was a less common and somewhat obsolete shotgun.

I’m from Pa.
Ah, that makes sense!! I failed to make that connection. :) Thanks for clarifying!
Hi KreativeK! I think I've seen you over at WC in the past. So nice to see you here!

I actually do have a set that I bought many moons ago. I think they were called Neocolor II at the time? I was looking for another medium to hand color photographs with, and barely touched them.

I haven't tried them for actual painting. I've never really figured them out. How have you used them? Do you dip them into water first and draw, or do you make a sketch with them, and then go over it with something like a water pen?
I use them on top of other media, particularly watercolor. Water can be used to smooth them out or just leave alone.
I think they were called Neocolor II at the time?
Terri, NeoColorII are nice ones! Water makes them behave like OPs in solvent. You can make really lush, heavy marks if you wet the tip of the stick or you can scribble on a hard surface and wet them with a brush and paint with them that way. Much fun can be had with them :)
I use them on top of other media, particularly watercolor. Water can be used to smooth them out or just leave alone.
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks Kay!

Terri, NeoColorII are nice ones! Water makes them behave like OPs in solvent. You can make really lush, heavy marks if you wet the tip of the stick or you can scribble on a hard surface and wet them with a brush and paint with them that way. Much fun can be had with them :)

They do sound versatile. I have to dig through my closet and find that set. I barely used them and they should be good as new.

Thanks to you both for the tips! :)