New to site


New member
Hi! I’m new to the site and looking to connect with other artists. My background is architecture but I am really interested and learning to draw anatomy, figure drawing and I am learning to paint in oils. I also doable in digital art. My IG handle is @Sunamisue and am looking forward to connecting and surrounding myself with other artists to get inspiration from.
Welcome to Creative Spark, Sunamisue! We're so glad you joined us. I hope you take a look around the forum and post some of your work for us. Lots of experienced oil painters on the site, so that's a great way to get feedback and ask questions.

Have fun!
Hi Sunamisue! Welcome to CreativeSpark. I hope you get a lot out of the site, as I think you will. Please make yourself at home. I look forward to seeing you work. :)
Welcome! Your instagram says your a fountain pen collector :) What is your favorite pens?