Need a little tech help


Well-known member
I use to use Bold to highlight names and insert my photos but the last few days, maybe a week, All the formatting icons across the top of the entry box are greyed out so can no longer use Bold or insert photos, I have to attach. Anyone have any idea what I did or what I screwed up to cause this loss?
Hi Jim, there are two brackets on the right of your greyed out icons. Click on them and your icons will return.
Hi Fletch. What type of digital file and dimensions (pixel x pixel) size is good to post on forums ? - I am working with procreate.
i edit to use 600 or 800 pixels on longest side to post. I did create a 800x800 pixels page in procreate to use for online but 90% of the time I use a some other format and edit it in ArtStudio when I get ready to post.
Hi Robin
I don’t like the height to be more than 550 as larger makes one scroll to see the whole image. The width could be whatever as the image gets resized when posted. At least I think that’s how it works. On a large image I use adobe to resize so I set it to keep proportion of the original and set my height at 550 and adobe sets the width. Personal preference of course.
Even if your image is over 900 pixels wide, it will shrink it to no more than 900. There is also a resizing option you can use when you click on the image. When you "select" the image, it will be highlighted in blue. Use your mouse to push or pull it in from the corners to resize it:
