Mother 2


old man

11 x 14 inch .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Feb 20/24 .. a continuation of the mother load experiment.
Donna: this is for you.
I dabbed the original colors to convert them and then made my colors using those as my triad and black and white.
.. and then I started to paint .. . For my cools I added more of the muter color as in more of the blue and yellow to get blue yellow. You get the run. For my warms I used some of the original color before muting. That makes the originals stand out.
Thanks for the photos- nice painting! I can see how your original yellow stands out, some red too. You made a good variety of greens that look so natural next to each other, thanks to the mother color. Will you be trying this with landscapes too?
Thanks Donna .. I use it in variation all the time. Sometimes all in and other times selected color. I like to allow the piece I am painting tell me what I am going to do with my color. Somethings just call for it all and others not so much.
Love seeing these photos along with the process. Fascinating! I like noticing the original colors popping out, and the muted versions supporting them. This is really informative - and another lovely painting, too. Fun stuff! ❤️
View attachment 38926
11 x 14 inch .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Feb 20/24 .. a continuation of the mother load experiment.
Donna: this is for you.
I dabbed the original colors to convert them and then made my colors using those as my triad and black and white.
.. and then I started to paint .. . For my cools I added more of the muter color as in more of the blue and yellow to get blue yellow. You get the run. For my warms I used some of the original color before muting. That makes the originals stand out.
View attachment 38927
Thanks for the explanation. Great impact from the central colours.
Thank you Jo and JennieJo; and you’re welcome. Nothing new, just an old technique.
Thanks for showing the mixes. You have a very colorful painting without it being too bright and garish. ❤️ 🌸🌻
Great staff Wayne! Just out of curiosity, what palette do you use? I mean, do you use only primaries or as it feels...
Thanks Zoran. I go by feel. If I want something even when into a piece inwill add it. I do a lot of primary sdding one extra blue or red or yellow. I got bone black a while ago and use it a lot these days.