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Taqueria El Sabor- oil on 14"x18" panel


Starbucks - oil on 14"x16"panel


Distant Worlds - oil on 14" x 18" panel


comments welcomed
Sno, Joe, thank you.

A couple of stories:

When painting the Mexican restaurant I was across the street next to an Ivy hedge when this large homeless guy comes up and tells me that Ivy is good to eat and that the juice from Ivy has all sorts of mystical powers.... haven't tried it yet😵‍💫 He seemed otherwise together but later I hear him further down the sidewalk yelling and cursing at an imaginary Army sergeant that was barking orders at him but he's sick and tired and not going to take it anymore.

I was set up on the sidewalk across from Distant Worlds when this guy in a big old pickup truck pulled up - as he was parking I motioned - miming - to please drive forward a few feet - I'm pointing bowing etc. trying to indicate that the truck will block my view. He just ignores me and heads off not saying a word. About twenty minutes later he's back with a big smile and goes to hand me five dollars. He's Mexican and his English is so-so - but I try to explain that I am very appreciative of the gesture, but I don't need money but thank you very much just the same. He leaves but I'm left miffed by his gesture. I am wearing old paint-splattered clothes but - do I look that needy?? Then it dawns on me - when I was gesturing/miming for him to please pull forward - he must of thought I was begging for money!!
I like them all, the dog caught my eye as well as the Mexican restaurant. Great stories. Plein air is the best!!
Well done- I like how you simplify the shapes to make it go faster/easier.

I think, despite the stories, I like the Starbucks best- can't stand their coffee but you caught the... ridiculous contradiction of being all cutting edge/au courant while still sitting in your exhaust-spewing vehicle for twenty minutes to get an over-priced cup of burnt flavored coffee.
Very nice plein airs of summer in the city. I guess you always have to be aware of your surroundings. Most of the time we hear about painters encountering curious cows or the occasional bear.
Wayne, Jo, JStarr, Donna - Thank you, much appreciated.

So far my encounters have all been positive. Couldn't be more pleasant.
Well done- I like how you simplify the shapes to make it go faster/easier.

I think, despite the stories, I like the Starbucks best- can't stand their coffee but you caught the... ridiculous contradiction of being all cutting edge/au courant while still sitting in your exhaust-spewing vehicle for twenty minutes to get an over-priced cup of burnt flavored coffee.
JStarr - I feel the same about Starbucks and their coffee-milkshakes. The Starbucks I painted is only a couple of years old - that whole two story building is a Starbucks. It was 80 degrees outside and still a line of cars waiting to be served.

snap I took of Howard Schultz( of Starbucks )-toolin around in his limo back in the day
These are great ones Bongo, and the stories make them even better. Too bad the limo didn't stop long enough to paint it.