Monkey Kings


Well-known member
This was a series (Certitude, Foolery and Dirt) that came from the following thoughts. (1) Was wondering how to get more “flora and fauna” into my work because painting “the peeps” can sometimes get boring. (2) After mulling around with ideas of “tribes” (in politics), it was funny to learn (didn’t know!) that groups of monkeys are also called tribes. (3) Was noticing that within the wide variety of different monkeys, the females look just like the males and they’re just uglier versions of us.

So out of that swirl, I imagined that each tribe’s “king” would (have to) be a male, and decided which qualities would have made him the king in the first place. I also thought of coats of arms and LOOSELY took the crown-banner-shields-supporter elements to incorporate as the tribe’s identifier. It’s not a flattering portrait of either monkeys or men. Sorry not. And I also can’t imagine that anybody would ever want these large (30x40) monkey heads on their walls.

But oh well.
I managed to work them, and all the baggage that came along with them...out of my system.


they are wonderful.

I never know who wouldn't want these giant monkeys around the house. (although the latter seems a little angry)

all three are fantastic works.
Thanks, Joe. I never really do anything for other people although...that just sounded awful. I meant...I don’t care what people might want to buy. I just like to paint what I like to paint. And yeah, that last one has little floating dirt particles. Cute.
questi lavori sono meravigliosi, quindi spero che ti sia piaciuto farlo perché ammirarli è davvero bello, quindi penso che l'importante sia che ti sia piaciuto fare loro e che ti piacciano,
meritano molto di essere belli e quindi spero di aver raggiunto il loro obiettivo.
questi lavori sono meravigliosi, quindi spero che ti sia piaciuto farlo perché ammirarli è davvero bello, quindi penso che l'importante sia che ti sia piaciuto fare loro e che ti piacciano,
meritano molto di essere belli e quindi spero di aver raggiunto il loro obiettivo.
So much easier for you in your native tongue, and so much more melodic, I love that language :)
I love these, Olive! They look like posters or some form of graphic art more than painting... like some sort of Post-Modern Pop/Neo-Pop Art.
Whoa, whoa...Arty! Where the fuck do you think you are....using them bad words! (But, thanks... :))

And thanks to you too, David. I guess we can always find common ground in the world of flatness and curvy lines...