

Well-known member
11. Magdalena.small700.jpg

Between, the last painting/drawing in my post on my first pastels, and this painting, Magdalena, were three paintings that I have mixed feelings about. Adoration was one of those paintings that was a big leap forward at the time. I remember as the painting approached completion I was thinking, "Oh please don't screw this up!" :oops: I was taking classes at the time... Continuing Education Units... as required to maintain my teaching license. I was churning these drawings out... staying in the studio... after a full day teaching... until midnight on a frequent basis and putting in 10or 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday. This painting was the last one before classes ended that semester and like Adoration, it was both a huge leap forward for me... and one of those works where everything just "clicked". I frequently work and rework the figures today... but this one just seemed to fall together. In the course, I was taking I was required to write a proposal for my goals. I was beginning Middle-School students and so I proposed making a conscious study of perspective and using it in the work. This painting employed a tilted one-point-perspective. Not long after this work, I realized that what I really loved were the flat patterns and not the use of perspective to create an illusion of depth or space.

11.b. Magdalena.c.5.small.JPG

11.c. Magdalena.c.6.small.JPG

With this painting, I became quite interested in the surface. I employed layers of pastels loosely... allowing the colors beneath to show through. I also used sandpaper on the flat acrylic passages and the gold leaf to show the colors of the underpainting. As the painting approached completion, I restated contours using color pencil, pastel pencil, and/or conte. In later paintings I would employ a greater variety of colors... often complementary colors rather than limiting myself to black and Tuscan Red for these contour lines.


I was invited to exhibit Magdalena and several other paintings by the director of the art department at a local college. The work ended up being awarded "Best in Show". One of the academic deans, however, insisted that Adoration and several other paintings be removed due to the nudity. :mad::oops:
That was my first taste of censorship.


-My Wife and I with Magdalena

(ps... she's shorter than me... but not THAT much shorter than me. :p )
Congratulations on the win David. I'm anxious to see what you do with smaller paintings, now that you are forced into a small space. :giggle:
Well done and congratulations! Sorry about the censorship though.

I once had to take a couple paintings down in a coffee house. The owner loved them, but the patrons complained from the get-go because they brought children in there. If you think your paintings are taboo, the couple pieces I hung there make yours look tame--I guess? At least one of them did, but I understood it. I wouldn't even post it here.

Plus, they are quite old and not well painted at all. I was young and not so great. Not that I am now, ha ha, but my realism wasn't top notch or anything.

I don't go for realism nowadays (obviously). A lot of people think I can't because of the work I do, but that's okay with me. It's a lot harderto post my stuff on this forum, and forums like WC, because so many people do realism, or even straight abstract, and I felt/feel like some people don't "get" my work (in this context), and not that it needs to be understood either. I don't care about that.

I do okay in the contemporary art world and I work in a way that's true and honest for me. Not that people who do work like yours or realism in general don't. I'm sure it's honest, it's just a different genre is all. I am blabbering now, but I guess I just felt like I needed to say this. Why? I don't know. :ROFLMAO: