Made You Look


I saw this documentary the other day and it was quite interesting! It drudged up a lot of conversation between me and Hannah about the art world, prices, what matters, and how people don't know how to do their jobs (or are just scandalous--you be the judge).

Here is the trailer:
how people don't know how to do their jobs (or are just scandalous--you be the judge).
Scandalous. I saw a documentary - all names and details now forgotten - other than it was about this down and out painter that out of desperation made a forgery and passed it off to a dealer that quickly snatched it up - and asked him if he had anymore. So began his long career of forgeries. Dealers need paintings to make money so they are highly motivated to adopt the "don't ask don't tell" philosophy.
Yes, I saw a different one too where an older guy that lived quite poorly was painting forgeries and passing them off to museums--paintings that other museums already had in their collections. Pretty crazy. Maybe it was the same one.