Looking for artist with similar technique at Nicolas Joly

Claude J Greengrass

Well-known member
Back in the ancient history of the 1960's there was an artist with a similar technique to NJ. He/she used a Rapidograph or similar technical pen and draw with very short strokes to produce B/W drawings. IIRC this artists name sounds like KeyMac. Let me know if you know any artists who's work is similar to Nicolas Joly's.
I have seen stuff like this, but I can't recall their names. I have also seen this technique in tattooing.
It is called fingerprint technique but Joly seem to be the only one noted for it.
Thanks, but it's the small straight lines that make his drawings that I'm trying to find alternative artists for.
That's what I'm saying. After I found what the technique (making the little lines) was called, I did a thorough search for other artists who used this technique and Jolly is the only one that came up.
Joly's technique is intriguing, I will look into the work of this artist. I like how the orientation of the lines are independent of the shapes of the objects, in this case the mountains.