Looking for advice


Contributing Member
I have just found out I've had an exhibition EOI accepted - Dancing on the Bruce.
It's in an old heritage building, 38 linear metres, but a closed room 'one door and high windows. I have most of my works as drafts or small versions.

My current dilemma: if I want the paintings to "view well" then, on the area not visible externally, I should include small works. Even down to A3. And, put larger works on areas that can be viewed from a distance, the aisle or doorway?

Added the 2 pastel on A3 pastel paper that will probably be included - hospital section images. They could be recreated as larger images on canvas.

Or, am I over thinking this?
I would have never guessed that abbreviation by the way.

I think you're not overthinking it at all. It's important stuff! ♥️ These are good things to take into consideration and you're right on track I think. :)
Thanks for clarifying what EOI is as I could not imagine. You are not overthinking, just planning, and all sounds good.