Long legged Shetland or a bigger workhorse?

What a beauty! It seems to represent many kinds of horses and it’s so graceful looking!
Doesn't matter what breed of horse it is, it is great. ❤️❤️ What sort of skeleton did you use to support the plaster?
Thanks ntl and snoball.
I made a frame with wire and filled up with material as well as a role of crepe bandage for that texture to grab the plaster
This is great Christel! I love the turn of its head and the texture too.
Hey Christel, I really like this and straight away thought of the work horses I see in the fields on my way to work every week. That texture on the mane area looks fabulous. Great job!!

Christel, I love that you try so many different mediums in your art journey. I find it inspiring. This is simply wonderful! It has a great sense of gesture.
I agree with Jenna on the fact you use different media and inspire. This is super. I love horses.
And she's also a sculptor! Why am I not surprised?
Nice work, Christel! Maybe the head is a bit broad, but the body is excellent.
Nice Christel. You are very versatile. I didn't expect a sculpture when I opened the thread!
Wow, Christel - this is wonderful! I wasn't expecting a sculpture from you - so well done! 👏 Thank you for posting all the various angles, he looks great.
Thanks Joy, Lamar, Anne and Terri! I'm working very hard at my 'sculpting' abilities....a long way to go!