Little Pond In Winter & Strange Formations Under The Snow


old man

11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. painted Dec 27/21


11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. painted Dec 27/21
Wayne, I love those lines swirling across your pond. Terrific sense of movement! So different from the strong geometric shapes in the second one.

They are a couple of beauties! ❤
Thank you Perry .. yes, isn't it an interesting story? What is that? .. to be continued, I'm sure ..
I like them both, Wayne. The pond is beautifully chilly looking. We used to have a dog who barked at all the unfamiliar snow-covered things in the yard. :)
Thank you Donna. The dog was probably afraid and bluffing the shapes to see if they were hostile.
The pond looks gorgeous, very cold or thinly with ice covered. The reflections are very well done and I like the swirling lines.
The second is also interesting, the snow covered shapes are interesting and the patch of light behind is a beautiful warm counterpart to the cold snow.
Wayne, you knifework with texture and a beautiful balance of colour always creates such a feast for the eyes.
I really enjoyed these as well!!

thanks John .. glad you enjoy

thanks cmore and zen and laf ... hope I have got you all ...