Late Night


Well-known member
Late Night - oil on 24" x 16" panel
comments welcomed
Another good one Bongo.
Your subtle shadings and gradations of the darks are great.
It almost looks like you used fluorescent paint for the highlights, esp the yellow.
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I also really like this work, it is fantastic and the recreated nocturnal atmosphere is impactful
Thank you, much appreciated. Trier- no florescent paint - I finally figured out how to make lights look like they're glowing - good to hear it worked for you.

This turned out to be a really tortuous painting. I ran into a snag right from the start. It sat on my easel for a week and I just didn't know what to do with it. So I decided to take a break from it, by making a frame for a different painting that I like.

But I was using a new method to make frames and that turned into a bunch of problems. Finally got it all sorted out and the frame came out good. But when I went to put in the painting it was the wrong size - I had made a frame using the dimensions of "Late Night" by mistake!

Now I felt I had to finish it so I'd have something to put in the frame. But I was so sick of it, I just slopped paint on it and threw it in the frame. But after a day of looking at it - I knew I couldn't leave it like that. So I repainted one thing, but then had to repaint another spot to make it work, which lead to another spot to fix. Finally painting started to gell, but since I had slopped it together to start it was much harder to re- do. Ended up being completely different than what I started out - but that's a good thing.
Super Bongo! Kinkade was knows as "Painter of Light" and you are becoming the "Painter of Night". ❤️ (y)❤️
Oh WOW! I'm obsessed with this one. All the little city lights (in the mountain) in the background are my favorite. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ⚡
That is NIFTY! What are the lights overhead? A couple of planes coming in? A UFO? a misinterpretation? Nah, gotta be a UFO!
Really nice one, Bongo. Excellent treatment of the lights and great rendition of the cars (that's not easy!). And I love the busy energy of it. I do have a little suggestion - the arrows on the road look like they're pointing straight up, wondering if you could work on their perspective a bit.
Thanks for the "wow" Arty - makes me blush.

Sno -"painter of night" is also the name of some Japanese Maga- Anime thing.
Really nice one, Bongo. Excellent treatment of the lights and great rendition of the cars (that's not easy!). And I love the busy energy of it. I do have a little suggestion - the arrows on the road look like they're pointing straight up, wondering if you could work on their perspective a bit.
Good catch. As soon as I saw it online - I realized my mistake. It will be fixed

ntl - I accidentally smugged the sky with a bit of gesso - I started to wipe it off but then thought it kinda looked good there, added some interest to the sky. What Bob Ross would call a "happy accident" or another man would call "lazy painter". What is it? Sometimes a smug of paint is just a smug of paint.
Thanks Katie - I remember fondly your clothesline paintings from Wet Canvas