That Night


Well-known member
That Night
Six miles out of Lancaster, 11:42 pm September 22, 1978

oil on 12"" x 16" canvas board
Last Night.jpg

cmments welcomed
Hi Bongo. Very nice!

It’s so simple but captures mystery…who, what, where and why?? The sky is deep and dark and the light illuminates the places around the picture the way light SHOULD illuminate. Not that I know how light illuminates, or even how to paint it.

I just mean - to my eyes - it all looks exactly right/truthful.
This is great! One could conjure so many different scenarios from this painting. ❤️ ❤️
OO, Sno, thank you thank you.

This is kind of an aside but --
In the past one thing photographs had over paintings was the appearance/ assumption of verisimilitude. Altered photographs that stretched credulity, such as those of purported UFO's, would add subterfuge listing time, place, event, and so on.

As a homage to that "tradition," I add fake documentation to my fake UFO paintings.

(Now with digital cameras, photoshop, AI,, the ease for even the layperson to totally change an image - everything - including documentation is suspect -- but that's now, this was then)
Such dramatic lighting in this! I like the addition of the time and date; makes it seem real.
Thank you Donna.

Another aside.

The image seems to be that of a person who saw something and then pulled to the side of the road to get a better look. If this were a photograph my first question would be, who took it and why? unseen passenger happened to have a camera with film capable of rendering such an image and the expertise and a sense of composition to pull it off under these (photographically) challenging conditions. (this presumably was 1978). Possible, but highly questionable.

As a painting, we have none of those issues. A painting provides a clean visual to the dry "facts" - Sept 22, 11:42 etc - without the need for (embarrassing) contemporaneous evidence. In fact, a painting adds a level of credulity - the event was so extraordinary a painting was commissioned to document it!
Oh my WOW! This is an amazing painting! Everything about it speaks volumes. The way it's painted is so cool, too! I love it. ♥️