Last Year's Snow


old man

11 x 14 oil on paper Alla Prima .. based on a photo I took last year. I never try to copy the photo, just use it for primary design and inspiration to create.
More of a warm snow scene. I love your trees and use of light and shadow. ❤️
is wonderful, I think they are all works to be framed,
then personally the trees, the leaves, I think they are very interesting subjects, beautiful to look at, very nice how you create this and every aspect
Thank you Joe. It is based on drawing with a brush .. get close and the viewers eye will finish the piece.
Love the greens, the light, and the overall composition. It's a perfect scene! Beautiful piece. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Yes, beautiful .
You have captured that unique look of snow in the spring.
Nostalgic for me.
I REALLY like this one! You’ve pushed the chroma beautifully for strong sense of space. Don’t even think of scrapping.