Large Gouaches


I've been absent because I'm sick again. Trying to fight it, but haven't been able to! I probably need antibiotics, so I'll go get some today. In the meantime, I did these before the cold came about. The are both 22 x 30 inches. They are both on dark Rives BFK printing paper. (I don't know what BFK stands for. That's what is embossed into the paper.)

This one is called Mending Station:


And this one is called Elephant Blouse:

The first conjuror up a water pump and the second gives me a robot that is rrying to disassemble itself.interesting what shApe and color can do.
Your imagination blows me away. I don't know how you come up with these bright, fun creations. The titles are great. These are right in the Ayin wheelhouse of big shapes and small, intricate details that just makes you stop and look around. Love these!! ❤️
So good! The way you put the shapes together - and the patterns you put in the shapes - are so appealing, and I love the colours in both of these. And I love the titles too! 🙂
Thanks Wayne. I can see how these shapes can offer up those ideas. ❤️

Terri, thank you! A lot of these shapes come from garment patterns, which haunt me from my past as a pattern cutter working in the family business. ;)

Kay, thank you for your nice words. You make me feel so good!!! :love:

Jo, thanks for your great feedback. I love getting everyone's comments. It makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. :)
These are fascinating. The longer you look at them, the more you see and can imagine. Well done! ❤️❤️
Very cool. I particularly like Elephant Blouse. I see the elephant. The gouache looks great too. Works well for your style I think.
Thank you very much sno and john. I always appreciate both of your feedback and look forward to what you will say. ❤️
These are amazing, Ayin; such well-designed, interesting pieces. I can see how your background in pattern cutting comes in handy and it makes sense that it shows up often in your work.
Thank you so much Donna, I really appreciate your feedback about these! Also, thank you Kobe and Bama. I love hearing your thoughts as well. Puts a smile on my face for sure! Thank you thank you! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Here's hoping when you read this you are on the Mending Station. :) I like the composition of both of these, especially the bold use of negative space at the top of the works. It is intimidating to work so large (for me, anyway) . Since I only have done watercolors, I have minimal familiarity with other papers. BFK were the initials of the owners of the Rives mill in France at the beginning of the 19th century - Blanchet Frères & Kiebler.
Thank you so very much Joy! I am still dragging, but I am better now. I really appreciate all your insightful comments and observations. Your eye means a lot to me. ❤️ And I really appreciate your BFK findings! Thank you for that!!! I never knew. :)
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