Landscape gone bad ...


AAOil 140423.jpg

Wayne Gaudon Alla Prima Oil on Paper 11 x 14 inches ..
I didn't want to lose the paper so I turned it into a floral study .. paper has gone up again .. bunch of ass wipes .. trying hard to take away senior's hobbies.
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It turned out well. :) Your background fits the subject.

Paper IS expensive. I'm still learning, what I do is mostly practice, so
I do the same, always have reused paper, whether using oils over watercolors or oils over oils...
Thank you ntl. I use xl pads of oil and acrylic paper so when I get a bad painting which happens more times that I care to say, I flip it over when dry and use it for studies. As in this case I scrape it back and change my subject matter. The back of this will get used for a future study.
Turned out beautiful!
I tend to not throw out used/failed paintings - and try (try being the operative word) - to reuse the paper for something else
Wow - it may have been a failed landscape, but this is a keeper! The quality of the light on the white flowers, left side, is a bit of perfection. I can just feel that shadow. Gorgeous!! ❤️

And yes, paper prices have risen. :( grrrr......
Thank you CaliAnn.
Intentions pave the way for future actions so if you keep thinking you eventually will do.

Thank you Terri. I thought it wasn't abstracted as much as I like but the abstractions are present so it has merit after all. We all complain but it doesn't change the laws of greed. Sometimes it puts them in other hands.
Hi Wayne, it’s good to see that you’re creating beautiful work as always! Flowers in the sun and flowers in the shadows make for an interesting composition. It’s a bummer that art supplies are so pricey but I hope you don’t have to paint over too many of yours.
Well sorry, but I think it's a landscape gone good. :giggle: I think it is lovely.❤️❤️
Thank you Donna. I am getting better so the good are now out weighing the bad. 😄

Thank you Sno. That's one way of looking at it.
Thank you Ayin.
The artist within always shows us our short comings but when we hit the note the artist lets us feel the warmth.
Thanks Jo .. I have a half dozen that I will use the backside for studies ...

Just for the heck of it, as an emperiment,. I took one that I had painted and had failed. I took a masonite panel and covered it in oil paint and then stuck the paper to the panel painted side down into the oil paint. It took a while to dry as I forgot to put a hardner in it but it looks like a very good panel to me. That to me is how I adhere oil paint to a panel .. oil paint to oil paint. I'm sure it won't come undone.