Kitchen & Bath Gallery


Supporting Member
I hardly ever frame my paintings anymore but got to wondering how a few

would look now if I could find a quick,free and easy way. Then I noticed that

the kitchen and bath cabinet doors had thick, dark frames around a

recessed center panel. 13 in kitchen and 11 in the bathroom, of varying

sizes of tall rectangles.

I had also run out of wall space to hang stuff and had been looking to

brighten up the kitchen, and also recalled the stories about the Barbizon PA

artists who would paint on any flat surface of their rented quarters, including

furniture, when they could not go outside.

So I took it as sort of a challenge to make paintings that would fit the center

panels. I have done 9 now, and hit sort of a pause, and thought I would

share a few things.

I will try to do this in stages, by adding pictures to this first post, as I can.

First I a general view, and then close ups.




17x11 acrylic/paper Title; Summer Trip Before The Interstates


23x11 acrylic/paper Title: Who Is Going To Eat Whom?

C&C on paintings OK
on kitchen mess, NOT OK
to be cont'd
I hardly ever frame my paintings anymore but got to wondering how a few

would look now if I could find a quick,free and easy way. Then I noticed that

the kitchen and bath cabinet doors had thick, dark frames around a

recessed center panel. 13 in kitchen and 11 in the bathroom, of varying

sizes of tall rectangles.

I had also run out of wall space to hang stuff and had been looking to

brighten up the kitchen, and also recalled the stories about the Barbizon PA

artists who would paint on any flat surface of their rented quarters, including

furniture, when they could not go outside.

So I took it as sort of a challenge to make paintings that would fit the center

panels. I have done 9 now, and hit sort of a pause, and thought I would

share a few things.

I will try to do this in stages, by adding pictures to this first post, as I can.

First I a general view, and then close ups.

View attachment 6492
View attachment 6493
View attachment 6494
17x11 acrylic/paper Title; Summer Trip Before The Interstates

View attachment 6497
23x11 acrylic/paper Title: Who Is Going To Eat Whom?

C&C on paintings OK
on kitchen mess, NOT OK
to be cont'd
Good is going to add color and personality to the kitchen. And..distract from any “kitchen mess”....what mess?
Treveri is a very nice idea, the works are fine. beautiful.

Snoball, is wonderful and funny, and useful because I am convinced that they lay real eggs ...
I like the leaves, the plants in the drawers
Sno - The kids' art on the reefer would be wonderful, and that was sort of the ambiance I was looking to create, however, that would be from 60+ years ago and I have only a slim hope that there is a masterpiece surviving in the papers I have saved, but I am looking.

Those chickens you have under the sink look edible, and the wire is amazing. I bet you could do a really good trompe l'oeil, if you haven't already.
Anything I put on the lower doors has to be water and tear proof because of the disaster prone handling of the cook (me).

PSA- Thank you very much.

You are being too kind about the kitchen mess that the neighbors have seen, but I appreciate it.

joe1lt- Grazie ! (my paternal grandparents emigrated from Sicily)

A 'Thank You' to all of you pretty ladies for the nice comments You know how they help.
these are cool - I like the consistency in look thru out. Giving art a proper presentation (frame) hanging it on the wall(or cabinet) and living with it for a time is imo so vital. You never really know how good/bad your art is until you see it in the context it was designed for. You'll discover that you need to paint bigger or smaller, more /less contrast colors - subject matter!! Large bold shapes/detail.
Those philosophical, academic concepts have real consequences on the wall that aren't always that apparent in an other context.

A 'Thank You' to all of you pretty ladies for the nice comments You know how they help.

You're quite welcome, but I ain't no lady. I don't usually correct people, but I'm finally starting to. ;)

You're quite welcome, but I ain't no lady. I don't usually correct people, but I'm finally starting to. ;)

I am glad for you that you are beginning to do something that you feel is

called for and overdue. Congratulations ! If I in any way helped trigger this

good thing for you, then I could feel that I have helped a friend.

However, it is apparent that I have somehow offended you deeply and you

have taken umbrage at my wording of the ‘Thank you’. That is very

distressing and completely surprising as I would never dream of showing

any disrespect, disregard or denigration of you or any of the others.

My addressing of the group as “ladies” was just a version of the common

opening of ‘Ladies and Gentlemen” and while somewhat awkward and

clumsy, it was the best I could do. I am somewhat shocked at your reaction,

and hope that the wording was not as offensive to the others. To me, it was

the same as greeting a group of my wife’s sorority sisters, although with

them I might have used the term ‘girls’ just to agitate them.

As a friend, I will gladly make allowances for you next time, but I see no

reason to be corrected on my use of the term ‘ladies’ and therefore I stand

by what I said and will not allow the word, or any of our good words for that

matter,to be modified, changed or deleted from our language in the name of

‘correctness’ , with all due respect.

Wow Trier. I guess you missed the winky eye emoji.
How embarrassing ! Yep, could not make out what the emoji was, let alone what it meant.
Oh well, say la vee, or something, sorry about that and my apologies.
Good thing we are friends

Speaking of emojis, is there one that says 'thank you very much', or similar? I could sure use one.