Kangaroo (watercolor version)


Well-known member
This was for the November Wildlife Animal Challenge. It's about 5"x7" done in an XL Mixed Media sketchbook.

I started with a freehand pencil sketch, then added ink (you can see this version in the Ink and Marker forum here.)

Then I add watercolor which transforms it from a pen and ink to a watercolor painting.

20231128Sk9C Kangaroo (Animal Wildlife Challenge).png

I like pen and ink by itself but I also like line and wash so I frequently scan my artwork at the end of inking stage and then again after adding color.
Well, it's hard to argue with any technique when the results are this good! I love your watercolor roo! Beautiful browns. Yum! Great work, Anne. So cute!
Reminds me of childre books with watercolors, very sweet feeling. Wonder if they are still being made. The ears look so fluffy looking!
This is wonderful, and for me, so timely. Yesterday I read an old tutorial regarding dots and washes. Unfortunately most of the pictures are gone from it, but your painting is a perfect example of what the tutor was "tooting"! So many thanks.
Yours is a wonderful piece.
I saw your pen and ink version too and I like both. This one has the right amount of colour, and an appropriate one too.
Thanks for your kind comments everyone. I really appreciate them.
Cute! The 'roo looks like it's wondering where "Old Man Dingo"* has gone off to!

* R. Kipling, you know!
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