Just Put it Here For Lack Of Knowing


old man
I Wonder.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 23/24
not sure why but I like this as it makes me wonder what the artist was thinging?


11x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Feb 23/24
Mother Color was a combo of Ultramarine and Bone Black more on the blue side. Palette was Ultramarine Blue, Perm Rose, Cad Red Light, Yellow Ocher, and Titanium White.
Wow, the moodiness of the first one is incredible, Wayne. The person in the background could be seen as in mourning and the flowers as a tribute to someone who passed. I know you may not have intended this but it strikes me as so quiet and sad and it’s just beautiful. The bouquet in the second painting is gorgeous and I can see the blue influence throughout.
Well, you know I like the second one,❤️🌸 and that first one, I love the air of mystery in the shadowy figure! ❤️ ❤️
Thank you Donna and Sno. I was going to toss the first but I liked the sense of the unknown. The second is just learning different colour attribute's.
Thank you Sanlynn
Toss the first one ? Nooo! It is so wonderfully mysterious and the viewer can attach any kind of meaning to it. It reminds me of the work of Dan McCaw. Most of his figures don’t have defined features on their faces and they somehow seem to pack much more of an emotional punch because of it - at least to me. I hope you don’t mind me posting an example here, Wayne.
Nice work Wayne! Yeah, the first one looks like a stage for something to happen... what will it be?
Donna, you can post anything you feel on my threads. Thank you. I will give Dan’s works the observing eye.

Thanks Zoran. Your input is welcome.
I love both for different reasons, and can see the similarities in the piece that Donna posted. (I love that painting by the way, Donna. Thanks for posting it.) I think I like Wayne's first one more because of the mystery to it, but I always love your simple flowers too. ♥️
Don't toss #1!! You're channeling your inner Edvard Munch:

The Night Wanderer:


Your painting is wonderful! It's fun to watch you go. ❤️

@Donna T : ooo, I like this painting by Dan McCaw - thank you for sharing it. I will check out his work.