Just finished this thing


No real title...maybe Marci's Trailer with Ice Creams. 16 x 20 inches.

Another lovely Arty!
Btw, that trailer home must be the dwelling of some ignorant idiotic Trump supporters. They’re probably wearing helmets and bulletproof vests in there!
Title? How about “Make America Ice Cream Again”?? MAICA will look cool on red baseball caps.
Thank you SLG. I don't mind at all that Klee shows up in my work. I consider it a compliment. ;) I don't know if I see so much Klee in your work as I do some other artists like your love of Klimt. Do you like Gauguin? I sometimes see that vibe there in your work, and I maybe have mentioned the Hernandez Brothers to you before, though you have said you were more of a comics fan in general and not them in particular. I feel like I see that in your work a bit. I see a lot of different things in your work, but you definitely have your own style.

Thanks Sno...I guess I paint what I have seen a lot of. I grew up with the garment patterns and there are a LOT of trailers here in the desert.

Nufocus, thank you so much. As far as who lives in the trailers, I would never assume. All kinds of people I suppose, but I don't like to stereotype anyone. Around here, there are many different types of people. You really can never assume anything. What's cool is that everyone here is nice once you get to know them.
I suspect that we like many artists who may influence us... but not in any truly obvious way. The two artists I looked at the most throughout art school were Pierre Bonnard and Max Beckmann... with Degas not far behind. There are elements of their work in what I do... but not as obvious as those of Klimt, Mucha, Rubens, Botticelli, Persian paintings, and Japanese art. Klee certainly impacted my admiration of geometry and maybe even reinforced my obsession with line. Gauguin may be there. I certainly quite admire his paintings. Comics were definitely my first artistic obsession as a pre-teen. That influence is still there although I don't really follow them. I haven't bought a true comic book in years but I look at the artwork online and I'm intrigued with the possibilities of the narratives... along with those of faerie tales... as contemporary equivalents to the Biblical and Greco-Roman narratives.
I am so into Lisa Sanditz lately, but I can't for the life of me paint like her, even when I try. I think I have given up on that, which is why I painted this one--going back to where I suppose I am more comfy...for now.

I don't know what's next. I thought I had it figured out, but maybe I don't. Maybe I'll always be plagued with self-doubt. Or think that I am.
Among the old masters, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Botticelli, & Rubens are my favorites. If asked who I believed was the greatest artist of all time, I would go with Michelangelo followed by Rembrandt. I obviously can't draw or paint as well as Michelangelo... but I understand his methods... I know how to draw "like" him. Rembrandt on the other hand? I wouldn't know where to begin. I understand the linear elements of Michelangelo and how he suggests sculptural form... how he uses color. But Rembrandt's paintings are built up of this great variety of textures... impasto, scumbling, ala prima, and glazes combined directly in a intuitive manner that I could not even begin to emulate any more than I might emulate Michelangelo's sculpture.

When it comes to our artistic heroes I wonder how often we are attracted to artists who work in a manner similar to our own work. I love J.M.W. Turner... but he's a landscape painter. I can't do anything with him. As much as I admire Monet, Corot, Pissarro, Constable, Bierstadt, etc... I don't tend to look at them a whole lot because they don't offer me much I can use in my work. On the other hand... I've gotten ideas from fashion design, wallpaper, architecture, and other sources.
Wow! SLG and Arty, your chat leads me to start a new thread: Who is your all time favorite artist?
From your paintings and what you've written it sounds like the sort of place I'd feel very at home in. Love the painting, makes me think of spring