

Loitering Member
Egg tempera on 5x5 hardboard panel. From photo by KreativeK. Needs a bit of shadow to anchor her hamper/bed.
Jezebel looks completely relaxed. This is so nice! I agree that a little shadow wouldn't hurt. Do you do any kind of underpainting for tempera paintings? I don't know much about it.
Love this! Something about the way you did the textures in her fur and the line work of the basket. It's a super cool piece! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Thanks for the encouraging words, snoball, Donna T, Arty, Lazarus.
Do you do any kind of underpainting for tempera paintings?
Not necessarily. Some iconographers paint/write from dark to light in layers, so I guess that the bottom layer (proplasmos) could be considered an underpainting, especially on the flesh areas. I'm aghast every time I see that dark proplasmos color get slopped on over a detailed drawing of facial features o_O
This is beautiful, Lamar! I love the brushwork here, these long lovely lines. So stylized! Those blue eyes are hypnotic.

Jezebel is one cool cat! ❤
An innocent look belies those claws!😂
I rather like this … never used the medium but maybe should try it! Are mistakes difficult to deal with?
Thank you, Maureen! I'm pretty sure that those are out in the original photo.

A recent mistake could be rewetted and lifted, but care would have to be taken not to lift more than the mistake. A mistake that was dried and set could be scratched out with a fine blade and/or sanded. Egg tempera dries to the touch very quickly, but it's somewhat fragile until it really dries.