DM, I read in the other thread the story after your nick name, I was wondering what the letters mean, the number 7 I guessed already. Thanks for writing the story behind it to us.
I've been also looking at great interest your self portraits because I'm trying to study the facial shapes. As it happens, there was done a great study of our ppl what is our genetic relatives .. where do we come from. I was always thinking maybe from countries from southern border, maybe from east or maybe west. In the north there's a slice of land of Norway but our body structure is too different to the Norwegians that no way we come from there. Just a while ago they did a large genetic map and it showed clearly from where we come from: it's Holland. Our genetic structure doesn't have anything to do with anybody else in Europe except has everything to do with genes of Dutch ppl. Interesting, isn't it! How did we genetically origin to the Netherlands .. maybe the big boats of strong soldiers came with "viking" boats for a visit .. men were sailing a lot in those day .. who knows ..