Ins and Outs of A Dream



Wayne Gaudon .. Alla Prima .. Oil on Paper .. 11 x 14 inches ..
I did try working with oils for the first time on my iPad… gots lots to learn lol
I'm trying to decide if this depicts an actual night time dream or a dream of desires or of the future. It is a fascinating painting and "could" represent so many different things. . . . .a book, a treasure chest, a simple box, etcetera. Then the key adds to the mystery and I haven't decided what the other little object is. Well done, gets the imagination running. ❤️ ❤️
Love it - a far cry from your floral work. But delightful to ponder as far as the box, the key, and as always you know just where to make a swipe of a perfect color - here, it's that lovely blue. Below it I see the notch that perhaps lets the fingers lift the lid, and I really want to!