image library?


Contributing Member
will there be a searchable image library?
DD took a few local (desert) plant images that I would add.
We'll have to think about adding this. It will be something that might take up a lot more space, so I'll get back to you on this.
In the meantime, there are other image groups to paint from. One is and there is a facebook as well.
An image library would take up a lot more space than we have the budget for honestly. It's just me and my partner running this on our own and a couple of small donations from the members that pay for a couple of months.
An image library would take up a lot more space than we have the budget for honestly. It's just me and my partner running this on our own and a couple of small donations from the members that pay for a couple of months.
I’m sure several of us will contribute as we do on Painting Friends, etc. if you need it.
As for the image library, we are discussing it for the future, but won't do this as of now. The site has only been supported by two people's small contributions and our own funds. Suddenly, it has the potential for more members to join. Twenty plus joined today. We will probably be needing more space soon and hosting an image gallery would cost more than double a month than we pay now.

We will just have to see what happens at the beginning of next year and how many new members we get, but it's a possibility.

In the meantime, maybe there are outside sources to link to? Those kinds of resources would be very valuable. :)
I'm new here so I'll stick my nose in, out of curiosity. By image library, do you mean a bank of photos/art of subject matter like cats, dogs, vases, ships, churches, etc. ? Personally, I would never use it. When I want to see a picture of something, I do a Google search - type in "cats" and at the top of the page click on Images and I get a million cats without even getting into the LOL breeds. I would rather see you save space and money for my wonderful art postings. Just my unsolicited two cents. :)
Arty... do you have plan for members to make donation or some subscription ? Or if this site needs some monetary support... pls. let us know. IMHO, I also don't think that we need an image library here for artists to make arts from. I did a search on flickr for creative commons that allows people to use the image or even sell art from them. I would rather see this place in lean structure that practical for us artists or art enthusias to join as community.
This brings up something else, I would be willing to pay a reasonable membership fee, or make small donations by PayPal, or even by check if I knew where to send it. I'm finding this community to be very worthwhile.
Could it be an idea? Then make a post, perhaps put at the top, fixed in evidence, or an entry in the forum even if it will contain the links or a single post with the links,
post or something, with external links for references, (or other name)
with the sites you mentioned here
Paint My Photo Paint My Photo,, FB group links,,
thanks for the reports. I didn't know them
links, and maybe a note, information, such as external libraries with copyright-free images, resources that can be used for free to create art, draw, paint, etc.

Sometimes I google this or read names

Pixabay should be the name of one.
This brings up something else, I would be willing to pay a reasonable membership fee, or make small donations by PayPal, or even by check if I knew where to send it. I'm finding this community to be very worthwhile.

Thank you. :)

Arty can give all the details, but for now take a look at your member profile. Click on Account Upgrades on the right side to see what's available. I believe we're taking PayPal atm.

Arty will know more. :)
I never used WC image library either. I googled "images of (what I wanted) (ducks, tree tops, kids playing, etc) and found what I was looking for, plus ads to various sites that had similar photos. Perhaps for those of us who do not use on-line payment methods, please give a snail mail address to send checks to. :)
Thanks Terri, don't know why I couldn't see that before, must be going blind, bad news for a painter.
I never used WC image library either. I googled "images of (what I wanted) (ducks, tree tops, kids playing, etc) and found what I was looking for, plus ads to various sites that had similar photos. Perhaps for those of us who do not use on-line payment methods, please give a snail mail address to send checks to. :)
One thing I kept hearing about google and other major search engines is that using pictures from them could lead to copyright issues. so just to be safe I switched to copyright free photo sites like pixabay.
No matter how hard I try, my results NEVER look like the image. Not in the least. I use them for inspiration, guidance, ideas...And not all photos on a search like that are copyrighted, and if they are, reference is made. There are a few other copyright free sites, also.
Google Images are free for public use as far as I understand unless the unaltered image is used for commercial purposes, like advertising for cigarettes, soft drinks, etc. Only once have I used a photo for a model and the resulting sketch only vaguely resembled the original.