I sold a card!


Well-known member
Hi folks.
Cross posted the painting in Plein air....
Anyways, I suppose it's an ACEO now!
I was doing this little pastel ATC 2.5x3.5 inches at the beach the other day. A young couple saw me and after I got back to the beach from my cliffside rock vantage point, they asked to see it. They really liked it and asked I I would sell. I was a bit surprised and didn't know how to respond, but said yes. I asked for 20 Euros and they said ok. Being pastel, I put it in a super cheap photo frame to protect the pastel surface.
Later my folks said I was crazy for selling it so cheaply.... Maybe, but, it gets me 20 coffees, and I was ok with the ego massage.
It's gone to a new home to "remind them of their holiday in Croatia" as the chap explained....
Do you think I was crazy?
Murray, I don’t think that’s crazy at all! Just think how happy they’ll be and every time they look at it, it will bring them good memories or a smile and (bonus) they’ll think of the nice artist who sold it to them.

I mean, they’re little and were probably done quickly. I have no idea what a “better” price would be. But yes, maybe you could have asked for more and maybe they would have agreed to a higher price. But maybe not. And if not, then this little gem would be sitting with you inside your house instead of out in the big wide world. Is that…better??

By the way, it’s a good composition and those few little orange spots of roof color is EVERYTHING. Nice job and, congratulations!
Not crazy at all! Congrats on the sale! I love the back story here - you caught the eye of some art enthusiasts, they wanted an original they watched you make, and the scene itself struck a chord.

How lovely is that? :)
That is a great painting! I know you have been working with that subject matter a lot lately, and this one really works compositianally. Sometimes big things come in small packages and this is the case here :)
Good for you. Your art is getting out into the world. People will see it and 20 euros won’t be enough to buy one of your pieces. So happy for you..