How many WIPs do you have right now?


If any? I just counted that I have four. But I'm only counting paintings, not drawings. I don't render all/most of my drawings.

I have more writing work in progress than art. I have seven of those. A novel and six short stories.
My whole life is one.
And I can't even count how many projects I have begun in the last 3 decades that never saw the light of day as a final piece.
Sometimes I think, my only true art is beginning things.
My whole life is one.
And I can't even count how many projects I have begun in the last 3 decades that never saw the light of day as a final piece.
Sometimes I think, my only true art is beginning things.
I'm better at beginning things than finishing them too. :(
Sometimes I'm afraid of beginning things in fear I may not finish them--I'll know in the back of my mind the idea may not be exciting to me all the way through, so I won't start them.
Everything's a work in progress until it leaves the studio ... when I run out of canvas I dig through the stockpile(s) of flailed attempts, find the least brilliant, and try again for better/deeper, more meaningful brilliance.
Perhaps noteworthy: canvases are sketchpads ['cause oils are so deliciously layerable]
Perhaps noteworthy #2: 'brilliance' is highly subjective.
... #3: knife work covers Everything.

p.s. to actually answer the question ... somewhere between a hundred and three
I hear ya! When I think about it, I have a lot more than four. I have four that I can see. I have at least ten in storage.
I'm horrendous, bad at starting things too.

do you think I started drawing again at least five years after I decided to try again.
and I had already thought about it 6 or 7 years before (that time I had tried but for a couple of months, time to take pencils, sheets, some magazines on the newsstands but they were about to learn manga but I love comics and cartoo but all the others in practice , however I tried a few months but leave when I resumed my studies, a university that I obviously did not finish, because of an exam in practice, for an episode and from there confusion (persistent) and nothing) and also other times I had already thought of start drawing even after quitting but always without starting until the last time.
however my wip, the real one has only been for years, I think it's getting to have a wip.
I think I have 4 that are actually wips, the 2 Webers I'm working on, a flower that I pick up time to time--those glazes take a long time to dry!, and another I may work to save. That may mean blowing the top off a mountain and making a skyscape instead of a landscape.