How Little Is Too Little



11 x 14 inches oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted April 4/22
The title ask the question of how much detail and neatness do you need to get your point across.
less then you think, always ;)
Thanks Wirfi. Yes and getting less is much more difficult than one would think. I was looking at Ovanes Berberian paintings and some are so simplified they look like blotches but stand back 6 feet from the iPad and they are more realistic than a photo. I guess I'm not to old to dream I can get there. 😃

Thank you Sno. My wife recognized Brit right away so I must have done something right. 😅
This is really nice, Wayne, and I don't miss any details at all! I think we can all relate to reaching to rinse a paintbrush so that tells me all I need to know about what's going on.
The title ask the question of how much detail and neatness do you need to get your point across.
You had a landscape a while back (Last Snow in the Forties) that had me wondering that very thing. I remember being surprised that the trees read perfectly as trees, though they were really painted as big squarish blotches for the most part.
had me wondering that very thing.
thank you Lamar .. I ask myself that every time I start a new piece... it's a good place to start. I have read some pronounced artist said that one should just put any mark on the canvas to remove the blank white intimidating stare of a support but I think that a waste of a stroke. :ROFLMAO:
The title ask the question of how much detail and neatness do you need to get your point across.
I believe your point is plainly communicated. This is a delightful painting. I had to look up "Alla Prima", which explains the impressionistic style. Maybe "neatness" is not the best term. I would say "accuracy" is what was achieved here. All the colors and feelings of this painting within a painting has been executed with a professional accuracy. And of course I like it.
Thank you rcleary. Alla Prima is simply wet into wet and the painting is done in one sitting. Glad you like it.
Than you. You are welcome. I need this lesson every time I step up to the easel. Hard to remember.