Holy Trinity Church, Stratford upon Avon


Well-known member
I was checking on Stratford upon Avon on the net one morning in 2015 when I saw images of this church and felt compelled to sketch it immediately. I found the time later the same day by carving out twenty minutes or so from my lunch break.

Holy Trinity Church, Stratford upon Avon.jpg
It’s always a pleasure to see your beautiful work. Do you have time to sketch in pencil first or do you jump right in with ink?
It’s always a pleasure to see your beautiful work. Do you have time to sketch in pencil first or do you jump right in with ink?
Donna, PaintBoss...Thank you.
Donna...I sketch directly in ink most of the time. Occasionally, say once in about twenty or thirty sketches, I may sketch in pencil just the outline to establish the composition and proportions of the major elements. Of late I have been trying to do this for my watercolour sketches too, i.e. sketching directly in watercolour.