Hi from Little Rhody


Well-known member
My name is Robert and currently (recent transplant) call Rhode Island home. After nearly a lifetime working with pencil, colored pencil and pen & ink on fairly any subject (landscapes to portraiture), I've set my focus on paper sculpture. I like to combine my love of graphic expression with my (sometimes hindering) focus on details. I'm a photorealist who wants to break free!
It's been a long while since I've enjoyed a communal and supportive forum and I'm looking forward to making new acquaintances and meeting up with some old ones. Cheers! :)
Cheers, Robert! Welcome to Creative Spark! We're very happy to have you on board, and I for one am really looking forward to seeing your work with paper sculpture. It sounds intriguing!

Keep posting and have fun!
Welcome to the forums Robert 👋

Looking forward to seeing your paper sculpture work. 🙂
Hi Robert, and welcome to the site! I look forward to getting to know you and your work. :)

Make yourself at home.
Welcome and look forward to your art! Paper sculpture sounds difficult and intriguing. BTW, I hope to visit Newport in the fall and do the cliff walk.
Hi Rob! Good to see you here. I think you will probably find several that you know. You need to do a whole thread of your beautiful paper cuts. :giggle:
Thank you all for your warm welcome. I've enjoyed what I've seen and very much applaud the founding members for building this site.

Snowball ~ Yes, quite a few familiar "faces" I'm looking forward to acquainting (and reacquainting) with. Looks like a very welcoming place.
Joy ~ Funny you should say that. My wife and I are planning a vacation to PA this Fall. We are both very fond of the Sight & Sound productions in Lancaster and I love visiting Longwood Gardens. You probably already know but a small portion of the Cliff Walk collapsed. I know that a detour has been routed so it should only be a minor inconvenience. Enjoy the walk!

:) Rob
Robert, oddly enough, I have never visited Longwood or Sight and Sound, but hear rave reviews about both. In Newport, our time ashore (cruise) will be limited, so I don't know if it will be feasible to tour a mansion in addition to or in place of the cliff walk.