Hi from Europe.


Active member
Hi from EU, lady 63, used to be on WCforum few years, do art as hobby. Homebound due to heartfailure so hobbies are many to pass time be creative. Like painting with watercolors, acrylics and acrylic gouache Turner. I also do mixed media and use paints in mixed media journals. Also have OA and due to this got into abstract as my hands wrists dexterity declined with arthritis. Paint bookmarks and cards etc.
I am on a low buy for art supplies so mostly use from stash. Work in small sizes A5 and A6 so I can finish pages in my mixed media journals. I also like coloring books so into coloring pencils. My most used colors are pinks and greens. My favorite theme is florals. I miss going to museums in real life which I used to do during vacation travels.
I look at museums online. Buy art supplies online at my favorite shop Jacksonsart in UK.
Like reading biographies of painters and look up their paintings online. I like Impressionism paintings since many decades. My latest discovery is Remedios Varo surrealism my favorite painting of her is Embroidering the Earth 's Mantle.
Welcome to Creative Spark, Nerys! We're so glad you decided to join us. I'm sorry to hear that your health keeps you homebound - thank goodness for art, right? :)

Also have OA
OA - I'm guessing you mean osteoarthritis? We have a rule here asking members to avoid abbreviations like this, since it can lead to confusion. :)

It sounds like you work in several media - I'm looking forward to seeing your work. Keep posting, and have fun!
Hello and welcome Nerys. Please show us some of your work. I have never heard of Remedios Varo, so I'm looking forward to exploring her work.
Remedios Varo 1908 -1963 born in Spain , moved to Mexico in 1942.
She was friends with painter Leonora Carrington and photographer Kati Horna , all lived proximity of each other in Mexico.
My 2nd favorite painting from Varo is Cat's Paradise.
Welcome Nerys! Glad to have you on board. Can't wait to see your work. So sorry about the arthritis. I have some myself. It's very painful. I hope you are getting good treatment for it? And if you have links to those artists, please share. :)
I usually put person painter name in google searchbox then look up images of paintings, then return to search results text, read wikipedia page in english and spanish, look up some articles on the person to read, some blog text, and persons in the painter 's life briefly read that.
Hello, Nerys, glad you can join in here. If not too nosy, where in Europe are you?

I know the name Remedios Varo- I live a little over 3km from Mexico- although she lived and worked in far more cosmopolitan areas of Mexico than what I can see off my back patio- here is it just desert land with mountains. Murals (as those Varo found being done in Mexico City) are still important here, though, with Mexican/Hispanic artists, with many of them hidden on the back or side of an older building, or along a coated brick wall.

Your art sounds interesting, and I look forward to seeing some soon.
Hello and welcome, Nerys. Glad to have you join us and we look forward to seeing your work. :giggle:
