Thanks to Susan (truffelcat) for the info about this site.
It seems to be a nice place with a lot of the good people who post on WC also here.
My first question is what forum(s) exist that my stuff would be appropriate for.
Over on WC, the Abstract and Contemporary Art forum was the almost ideal place for me.
I can't find a counterpart on this CS site, and I don't feel up to scattering images around to the various forums that might fit one picture, but not another.
Any directions or suggestions as to where I can best post would be appreciated.
It seems to be a nice place with a lot of the good people who post on WC also here.
My first question is what forum(s) exist that my stuff would be appropriate for.
Over on WC, the Abstract and Contemporary Art forum was the almost ideal place for me.
I can't find a counterpart on this CS site, and I don't feel up to scattering images around to the various forums that might fit one picture, but not another.
Any directions or suggestions as to where I can best post would be appreciated.