Good Morning in Little Rhody!


Hello and good day! I haven’t really shown my art and I’m only newly a painter. I’ve already looked at several pieces of art on here and you are all so creative and inspirational! Thank you for letting me join and I look forward to interacting. 🥳☀️✨

Dawn Belle
Hi Dawn Belle, welcome! Please make yourself at home here. It's great to have you here. How long have you been painting? What medium do you use?
I’ve been painting since 2020.... I just woke up one day and started painting... everything. I’m not trained and don’t know all the fancy details I just have a lot of paint and brushes and music and when I paint I sing and just whatever emerges. I’ve painted over most of them at least once.
I’ve been painting since 2020.... I just woke up one day and started painting... everything. I’m not trained and don’t know all the fancy details I just have a lot of paint and brushes and music and when I paint I sing and just whatever emerges. I’ve painted over most of them at least once.
Well, I think that sounds absolutely lovely! ❤️

Welcome to Creative Spark, and we're happy that you're here. :) I look forward to seeing your work. Have fun!
Welcome! I'm enjoying your trippy paintings :) They sort of remind me of some fantasy book
covers and album covers from the seventies.
That sound like you're learning and having a lot of fun. Make sure to take pictures of the work before you paint over it. We learn a lot from our past pieces. I love what I have seen so far. Looking forward to seeing more. ♥️
Welcome from a fellow Little Rhody. I enjoyed your photographs of Providence and Roger Williams Park, I've done likewise of the area. Looking forward to seeing your paintings. ~ Rob
Welcome to the forums Dawnbelle. Glad to have you here. Just jump in and make yourself at home, we're a pretty good bunch. ;)