Glowing woman


Well-known member
After almost going insane trying to paint this refrence in gouache, i have up and tried again. This time wiht my dip pen and watercolor. I almost gave this one up too,but i later i finished it.
It was quite a new experience for me in many ways. I dont draw old people all that much and i dont think i have ever painted a person in watercolor.Tips and critics are welcome
If you have any questions let me know.
Well, I can't offer you any tips because from my end, you nailed this! ❤️ I love your outlines and your washes. It's lovely! Good job.
I think this came out quite nicely. I work in ink and watercolor a lot but haven't tried portraits very much. You have inspired me to give it a try.
This piece is a beauty. I don't know much about gouache, I do not think it would have the impact it does in watercolor. This is a successful piece.
If you're in desperate need of some criticism, I would like to offer my very personal opinion that the cap on the head gives the impression that her head seems to be quite large in Z direction. But perhaps that was your intention. Nice drawing. I'm a sucker for all drawings in ink.
I like most aspects of your painting very much, but I think that the face is not aligned correctly with the body. Despite this the painting as a whole is very attractive.