Gardiner's Island


Well-known member
Gardiner's Island is a small island in the Town of East Hampton, New York, in Eastern Suffolk County.

It's a pretty cool place. I like the look of it. I've been near it. It's beautiful. I want it. So I painted it.

12 x 20 Watercolor It might be finished, not sure. I'm glad this is done so I can move on to some abstract stuff. This was supposed to be but somehow became pseudo realist. I don't like my signature showing that much.

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Interesting history of the island. Like the interesting texture effect and movement in the water, and the field pattern(y). Certainly a place to lose oneself!
I love this John! It's really an intriguing work and the colors are beautiful. It makes for a strong work of abstract art. Very, very well done.

I had to edit your post however, as you are not allowed to copy text from Wikipedia. It is in our rules: ABOUT with the reasons for it. Thanks for understanding.
Yea, you didn't even spell my name right. I would call that close to abstract.

LOL, Yeah the abstract quality of it did interest me which is one reason I painted it. I'll try to get your name right next time. :)

Interesting history of the island. Like the interesting texture effect and movement in the water, and the field pattern(y). Certainly a place to lose oneself!
Thanks Arnie. I could keep going with the water....add some darker waves etc. Hard to know when to stop sometimes.
I love this John! It's really an intriguing work and the colors are beautiful. It makes for a strong work of abstract art. Very, very well done.

I had to edit your post however, as you are not allowed to copy text from Wikipedia. It is in our rules: ABOUT with the reasons for it. Thanks for understanding.

Ooops and thanks. Yeah it's different. I love maps and aerial views. I'll put this out at the market and see. Who wouldn't want to own Gardiner's Island. But taxes and maintenance run two mill a year.
Cool!! Thank you for the history behind the island; I'd never heard of it (just Long Island, of course).

Your aerial painting is wonderful! I think it works as an abstract: only the title gives away what your shapes are all about. Great job.
I think you very much kept the abstract look of this one too, John. It's an island and a colorful amoeba at the same time - very cool effect!
Cool!! Thank you for the history behind the island; I'd never heard of it (just Long Island, of course).

Your aerial painting is wonderful! I think it works as an abstract: only the title gives away what your shapes are all about. Great job.

Yeah supposedly Gardiner gave the govt all of Kid's treasure back. Wink wink.

Thanks, yeah I guess without the title it is not obvious what it is. Of course I see it but I know it.
I think you very much kept the abstract look of this one too, John. It's an island and a colorful amoeba at the same time - very cool effect!

Thanks Donna. I used a very limited pallet here of cobalt blue, indigo, cerulean blue and raw sienna. Unusually restrained for me, but I was going for granulation and restraint and hopefully some color cohesion.

Originally I was thinking of going wild with the colors and abstraction of shapes but I chickened out.
The original watercolor was a little too tame. So I brought out the big guns....the acrylics. I accidentally got some shading and volume shapes here. I have to remember how that happened. I'm slowly warming up to acrylics. Still a little suspicious of them.


The red X at lower left is where Capt Kid hid the treasure that Gardiner may or may not have given all back to the govt.

The white in the middle is the manor house. The little opening in the shoreline is the inlet for the boat.

I'm glad that the public is not allowed there. Adds to the mystery.
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Seems it's a whole different painting now. I did like the subtle blues and greens, but this one is very nice too. This is such an interesting composition. You keep surprising me. ♥️
Cool abstract style. If not for the title, I thought it was a microscopic organism!