Flowers XV


old man
Flowers XV.jpg

11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted from life November 16/23

I did this from life and found it entertaining to say the least. It was fun turning the messed up table into something that would compliment the flowers. ie .. TV , Cup Paint Trays Full of Brushes .. best of all it gave me a further clue as to how I would pursue the next piece. I just love it when one piece points the way for the next endevour. It fills me full of want to get to the next piece and I have to fight off the desire to simply do it immediately as I know have to wait and let my mind entertain the thoughts of how I will apply the next step. Hoping someone enjoys this series as much as I am.
Beautiful! I love the way you affected the vase and also the coffee cup trying to hide behind it. Just great. ❤️ ❤️
Wow! Excellent disbursement of those beautiful blues and purples. The touches of yellows set them off perfectly. The top dark purple contrast makes it all POP like popcorn! LOVE this! ♥️
Thank you Ayin. Stupid spell check keeps popping an L in your name. It was painting the surroundings but in disguise.
I really like this one! The dark background and the dark coffee cup add something special and all the elements work together to show off the gorgeous flowers. I can tell you enjoyed this one!
Thank you Donna. It was from life and I liked it so much, I will do a small series of them.