Flowers Again




Playing. Using a black and white for reference and making the colors up as I get into the painting. It's a familiar theme so it shouldn't be that tough to get a approximation. And it's interesting to see approximately how close it comes to conveying a glass or tin of flowers. I find I am finding a lot of color after I put the wrong color in to begin with. I need to get it straight in my head before I put it down. It's interesting, to say the least.

both are 11 x 14 oil on paper ..
Once again, beautiful. Looks like hydrangeas and pine cones. The glass reads glass and the other one reads carnival glass. :giggle: Love them.❤️
Thanks Sno. Carnival glass. I still have a piece or two. This was a metal pail but I'll take anything that gets past go directly to jail: do not pass go. 😎
How beautiful they are! The first one grabs me the most, that little bit of blue along the top just makes it for me. ❤️

Fantastic work, Wayne.
The way you apply the paint in your flower paintings is inspiring. I love the colours as well.
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Playing. Using a black and white for reference and making the colors up as I get into the painting. It's a familiar theme so it shouldn't be that tough to get a approximation. And it's interesting to see approximately how close it comes to conveying a glass or tin of flowers. I find I am finding a lot of color after I put the wrong color in to begin with. I need to get it straight in my head before I put it down. It's interesting, to say the least.

both are 11 x 14 oil on paper ..
Really nice Wayne, you have got the essence that we spoke of... the colours that came out are subtle but complementary.
Well. Thank you all very much. Decided to try and knock it back even further. Used the cold pthalo blue, perm rose, lemon yellow, titanium white, and burnt sienna as my warm. Struggled a bit but got a piece out of it. Using the same template as I am more concerned about value and color at the moment.


At this one you had to start deep value first under the roses. the purple shadow very good.
Thanks Lazarus and Jo

Still gonna give it another spin. I'm not sure what I am tryin' to do but as long as it's spinning I'll give it a go.