Tell 'em all hooka -


old man
Tell Em All Who Call.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 03/24
I watched a clip of Picasso dooling and found it interesting how he made a flower, added a few lines and it was bird and on and on. So if he could, I can. No biggie ... just doodle away and stop before you lose the development. Color was the problem but I have a start on it now and hopefully I can carry it a little better as I progress. Anyway, it was interesting and as Picasso said, "There is no abstract as all things have to start somewhere .. I prefer to be more expressionistic abstract as I like poking my eyes around and image and finding other images within. I start drawing [doodling] with the tiny square brush and once I start getting shapes I relate to I start to color and doodle at the same time. As I paint usually a song of a line form a song will get in my head and this one was as the title states .. you all know the song .. sixties ...

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 4/24
This one started with just huge layouts of thick paint and then from the thickness I played on the lines that looked like flower arrangements to me. Pretty much the same as the sketch process but bigger and bolder.

a distance view:
View attachment 41694
11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 03/24
I watched a clip of Picasso dooling and found it interesting how he made a flower, added a few lines and it was bird and on and on. So if he could, I can. No biggie ... just doodle away and stop before you lose the development. Color was the problem but I have a start on it now and hopefully I can carry it a little better as I progress. Anyway, it was interesting and as Picasso said, "There is no abstract as all things have to start somewhere .. I prefer to be more expressionistic abstract as I like poking my eyes around and image and finding other images within. I start drawing [doodling] with the tiny square brush and once I start getting shapes I relate to I start to color and doodle at the same time. As I paint usually a song of a line form a song will get in my head and this one was as the title states .. you all know the song .. sixties ...
Well, I don't see a smoking caterpillar anywhere in there - but I like it anyway!

The video sounds fun to watch. Good inspiration, too. I don't do abstract so my impressions are based on reaction to the shapes, colors, and composition. This one isn't really abstract for me, since I can see a clear figure (and possibly another) in an interesting background. But who knows, maybe I just need some kind of mushroom to see more. ;)
View attachment 41751
11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 4/24
This one started with just huge layouts of thick paint and then from the thickness I played on the lines that looked like flower arrangements to me. Pretty much the same as the sketch process but bigger and bolder.

a distance view:
View attachment 41752
Beautiful! From your description, I'm guessing this would be amazing to see in person - all the textures from thickly applied paint. Yum!!
Thank you Terri. .. more on the expressionistic side .. there is also a lady but she’s on a black horse so it’s not the white knight walking backwards. The second is much more powerful in real
Yes, I love THICK paint. So, I love these. I kinda wanna wear that pink dress. I don't even wear dresses. The flowers are also delicious! ♥️
Love the concept. And what you've created. I'm also not a dress girl, but that swirl takes me back.
Thank you JennieJo .. kinda gave me a hint of Degas .. when I was painting (just the pink dress of course)
The pink dress is so flowy and the lady is caught mid-twirl. I love the environment you put her in - no details, just a space to exist. Those flowers are gorgeous too and it must have been fun watching them emerge from the thick paint.