Feeling Floral

Donna T

Contributing Member
These all started as abstract watercolor washes in my sketchbook. My goal was to try to keep them more on the abstract side and to simplify. The first one was not very successful but I like the composition that emerged. I feel like I did a better job of simplifying in the second one - it takes so little to give the impression of flowers. The third one has more of a garden feel and I like that I was able to keep much of the initial abstraction. All are 7x10 acrylic over watercolor washes with some ink and NeoColor II. Thanks for looking!



All of them are great. They remind me of looking through frosted glass. ❤️❤️
I like them all. My preference is 1, 3, 2. The first I see roses, the second, dandelion fluff, the third a solid abstract. I like that you are noting how a little goes a long way.
Thanks Sno, Hermes, and Wayne. I am learning that it's harder to simplify and "suggest" than it is to describe something in detail. It seems like it should be the other way around. Wayne, you are right about the dandelion fluff but I tried not to make it too obvious.
I particularly like the perspective of the second, Donna. Your use of colour is fantastic.
Thanks Iain - a bug's-eye perspective is a nice change. I'm sticking to a limited palette for these little exercises so I don't get into too much trouble.
Beautiful work, Donna! Each one has its own unique feel. I'm smitten with the first one - just love those warm colors and your beautiful shapes.
These are all nice. I particularly like the third one. Reminds me of Italy! but also because it has a lot of depth.
Susan, I was thinking of Italy with the third one so thank you! I've never been but always love seeing photos of those tall, skinny trees that grow in the countryside there - cypress, I think. Also, the tree on the right may or may not be a monk in my Italian garden. Maybe it's a monk disguised as a tree. :)
I love your style on these, so soft and beautiful, yet a little abstract. Seems like they would be crazy popular among everyone. Do you sell your work a lot? These are gorgeous. ♥️
Thanks so much, Ayin. I haven't sold my work in a long time but it makes my day to know that you think I could!